
BIHR’s Website

Screenshot of the BIHR main website

Find out more information, news and resources about human rights.


Know Your Human Rights

A screenshot of know your human rights for mental health and mental capacity

An online tool which supports people with mental health and/or mental capacity issues to know when their rights might be at risk and how to use the law to resolve these issues.

This tool also includes some useful practical resources, which you may be able to use:

    • A flowchart to help you decide if the issue you are facing falls within human rights law
    • A flowchart to help you decide what actions you might want to take.  (If you or someone you support is at risk of immediate serious harm you should contact the Police on 999. For non-emergency situations you can contact them on 101.)
    • A template letter and letter writing guide which may be useful if you want to raise your concerns in writing with public officials


BIHR human rights resources for individuals

A selection of human rights guides and resources

Download our free guides and resources where you can find out more about human rights and raising a human rights issue.